合资 150-500人 制药/生物工程
合资 150-500人 制药/生物工程
Company Overview GCP ClinPlus Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as GCP) is a combination of three well established companies: Beijing DMS Pharma Ltd., with CRO as its primary business; YiXie ZhongTai MedTech Consulting Ltd, committed to provide medical device product registration and relevant consultation; SMO unit, mainly engaged in Site Management Organization (SMO). All three companies are so mature and distinctive that they can take advantage of each other’s strengths. GCP provides clinical research solutions which are customized and comprehensive, of international standards and making full use of various network and resources. The services of GCP, with the untiring effort of innovation and extending to new field, cover the evaluation and counseling of new drug R&D, regulatory affairs, clinical trial monitoring and management, data management, statistical analysis, medical affair and training, involving fields of pharmaceutical, biological product and medical device. GCP is of a well trained professional team. All the operation team members have various professional backgrounds of clinical medicine, pharmacy or nursing etc. The management team is composed of group of senior people with deep knowledge of clinical medicine, pharmacy or biometrics and with rich experience of management. All of them have had over 10 years experience in various management positions in multinational pharmaceutical companies as well as famous CRO companies. In early 2011, GCP signed the JV agreement with CMIC Co., Ltd. to enhance the capability and widen the geographic coverage. The win-win cooperation would surely enhance the core competitiveness and open a new chapter of accelerating development of GCP. 公司概况 普瑞盛(北京)医药科技开发有限公司由三家发展成熟,各具特色,优势互补的公司合并组成:以CRO业务为主体的北京迪美斯科技发展有限公司;提供全程医疗器械产品注册及咨询服务的医协众泰;以Site Management Organization (SMO) 业务为主体的博尔泰科。 普瑞盛致力于提供全方位的、符合国际标准的、充分利用人脉和地域资源的个性化临床研究解决方案。在坚持创新和拓展新领域的不懈努力下,普瑞盛的服务涵盖新药研发评估与咨询,注册事务,临床试验实施,数据管理和统计分析,医学事务及培训;业务范围涉及制药、生物技术和医疗器械等。 普瑞盛拥有一支富有拼搏精神的专业队伍,临床运营团队均具有临床医学、药学、护理学等背景;管理团队是由一批具有丰富临床医学、药学、生物统计学及管理学等经验丰富的资深人士组成,且皆拥有逾十年的跨国制药企业及著名CRO从业经历。 2011年初,普瑞盛(北京)医药科技开发有限公司引入外资,与日本希米科株式会社正式签定合资协议,成为中外合资企业。强手联合,增强了核心竞争力,揭开了快速发展的新篇章。 律师声明 近期,普瑞盛(北京)医药科技开发有限公司(以下简称“普瑞盛公司”)发现有不法分子冒用普瑞盛公司的名义,私刻人力资源部门的公函印鉴,公开发布虚假招聘、录用员工信息,给普瑞盛公司正常的人事管理工作带来了极大损害。 北京市冠平律师事务所(以下简称“本所”)为普瑞盛(北京)医药科技开发有限公司(以下简称“普瑞盛公司”)常年法律服务支持机构,现根据普瑞盛公司的授权委托,由本所律师发表严正声明如下: 1、任何以普瑞盛公司人事部印鉴形成的合同、入职邀请函等均为假冒侵权文件,凡持有上述文件的单位和个人,在本声明发布后,可与普瑞盛公司人力资源部门联系(电话:010-56088208),以确认相关事宜。 2、普瑞盛公司已就上述侵权事件向属地公安机关报案,希望有关当事人立即停止侵权行为,消除不良影响。同时,郑重提醒愿望入职普瑞盛公司的个人,请直接与人力资源部门联系。 3、本所律师已启动密切关注侵权者一切侵权行为的诉前程序,并将严格按照普瑞盛公司对事态发展的要求,保留进一步追究侵权者法律责任的权利。 4、对任何与伪造普瑞盛公司人事部印鉴的持有者签订合同及进行业务往来的个人和单位,普瑞盛公司将不承担任何责任。受害个人和单位应直接到公安机关报案。 特此声明! 北京市冠平律师事务所穆华敏律师 2013年9月29日